Branding | Illustration

Sinplicity Ice Cream

Sinplicity is a catering company in the based in the Washington DC Metro Area. They have made a name for themselves creating amazing ice creams infused with a touch of liquor. In 2011 they bought their first food service truck in hopes of taking their flavors on the road.
Sinplicity uses only natural ingredients and the all their ice cream is made the old fashioned way with recipes that chef Leeland Atkinson developed himself. Chef Atkinson wrote the Julia Child-Award Winning book “¡Cocina!” and has served up his delicious creations at a variety of food service venues such as Tom Flynn’s Plantation House, Ritz-Carlton Hotels and the White House. In 2011 the owners of Sinplicity approached me through Belmont with the idea of creating a food service vehicle that they would take to various events in the surrounding area. They wanted the design to be unique, highly visible and to have a playful theme to it. They had already purchased a vehicle and had tried several other graphics / branding companies in the area before they came to me. They just simply weren’t happy with the results others had produced and wanted a fresh perspective on the concept. I had helped them with their brand identity in 2004 when they were first starting out and they felt that I just “got them”.
I began by first taking extremely accurate measurements of the new truck so that I could create a graphic template for the vehicle wrap. I accounted for the placement of every window, seam breaks in the metal, vents and additional lighting that would ultimately be retrofitted and placed on the vehicles exterior.
Once I had a working template of the truck I got to work developing potential color schemes. When it comes to food service vehicles, bold colors are more noticeable and tend to draw more crowds. I chose a bright sky blue and orange that complimented their logo. Flying cows were a element that my client wanted worked into the overall design, so I created several digital illustrations of cows that complimented the Sinplicity brand. I used cloud graphics to provide clear space for text information such as their website address and twitter handle.
The truck was a huge success and can be found traveling the streets around Washington DC and providing tasty treats at annual festivals.

Project Details

Client: Sinplicity Ice Cream
My Role: Art Director, Designer
Work: Vehicle Branding
Designed for: Belmont Inc.

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